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Bringing Tiburon Together: A Vision for Our Community's Future

Tiburon Together - A Bold Initiative

As a Tiburon native, former Mayor, and current candidate for local council, I believe deeply in the power of an engaged community. A connected community is a thriving one, where neighbors interact openly, collaborate to resolve conflicts without confrontation, and give back through their service. Today, I am excited to introduce Tiburon Together—a bold initiative aimed at uniting us in a shared commitment to support, uplift, and care for one another.

Then and Now; Leading to Meet the Evolved Needs of Today

Our neighborhood organizations, social clubs, faith and charity groups, and political leadership are the cornerstones of a vibrant community. By strengthening these foundations, we can build a more cohesive and supportive Tiburon.

Growing up in Tiburon, I felt like I was part of an extended family. Neighbors communicated much more than they do today. Neighborhood organizations often had active boards and subcommittees dedicated to design review, tree maintenance, privacy and views, and common landscape management. More people participated in faith-based organizations. Back then, there was no internet, and as a result, we relied on face-to-face interactions, which fostered a sense of connection. 

Today, the internet has contributed to a sense of isolation, diminishing our need for direct, personal communication. The U.S. Surgeon General has even declared an emergency over the growing issue of loneliness. Experts are increasingly publishing books on the mental health consequences of social media. While we can't turn back time, nor should we want to, we can leverage modern tools and structures to strengthen our communities. By doing so, we can enrich our towns, neighborhoods, and even our family bonds.

Building Bridges Across Generations

At its core, Tiburon Together is about uniting people of all ages and backgrounds. This initiative will create opportunities for K-12 students to engage in meaningful community service, fostering a sense of pride in their town from a young age. It will help them understand that democracy cannot be taken for granted, that it is a delicate experiment throughout history, requires thoughtful engagement and hard work to succeed for everyone. 

We will also promote partnerships between parents and children, making community service a family endeavor. These efforts will not only build character but also cultivate a deep sense of belonging and responsibility toward the Town of Tiburon. Additionally, participants can benefit from connecting with programs like the California For All College Corps, a volunteer initiative from the Governor’s Office that offers college tuition support. 

We will actively reach out to all residents, tapping into the diverse skills and experiences our community has to offer. By collaborating with existing service-focused organizations in Tiburon, we aim to strengthen our efforts. Whether you're a retiree with time to volunteer, a professional with expertise to share, or a young adult eager to make a difference, Tiburon Together will provide meaningful ways for everyone to contribute to our town.

Key Goals of Tiburon Together:

  1. Build Trust and Reduce Conflict: We aim to build trust within our community by fostering open communication and encouraging dialogue. Our goal is to create an environment where conflicts are resolved constructively, with empathy and understanding. To achieve this, we will strengthen property owner associations and provide guidance as needed. Additionally, we will offer on-demand mediation services through the Town. If extensive mediation is required, a fee may be applied.
  2. Strengthen Social Cohesion and Foster a Culture of Collaboration: We will work to break down barriers, encourage cooperation, and foster a culture where collaboration comes naturally. By partnering with neighborhood associations, Rotary Clubs, and other service-oriented groups, we will empower local leaders to take charge and drive community engagement at the grassroots level. We will also enhance emergency preparedness by streamlining communication across existing programs under a unified communication platform, making our efforts more effective and coordinated.
  3. Provide a Sense of PurposeTiburon Together will provide residents with opportunities to engage in meaningful activities that benefit the community. By taking part in these initiatives, residents will experience a sense of accomplishment and develop a stronger connection to their town.
  4. Empower Community Members and Groups: Our initiative will provide the resources and support needed for community members and various groups to take ownership of local projects and activities. We believe in empowering residents to be the driving force behind positive change. By collaborating with volunteer organizations such as Broom Busters, the Green Team, Rotary Clubs (Tiburon Sunset, and Rotary Club of Tiburon – Belvedere), churches, and other local groups, we can harness the collective energy and commitment of our community to make a meaningful impact.
  5. Enhance Multi-Channel Communications: Effective communication is essential for building a connected community. We will use a variety of platforms—including social media, community forums, and newsletters—to keep residents informed, engaged, and involved.
  6. Have Fun!: Community building isn't just about solving problems; it's also about celebrating together. We will support social events - festivals, block parties, and picnics that bring residents together and enjoy each other’s company, strengthening the bonds that make Tiburon unique by providing resources such as BBQs, food, and refreshments for celebrations after community groups complete a project or other significant achievements.

How do we achieve this? Some may think it sounds too ambitious or idealistic. 

But remember, people said the same thing when we proposed building a town hall downtown without imposing a tax—and we did it! Tiburon Together will require resources to make it a reality, but the long-term benefits will be invaluable for our community.

I propose hiring a full-time staff member at town hall to focus on this initiative. This position could be funded by the town and possibly other jurisdictions and agencies. For perspective, the $300,000 consultant fee for the Parks and Recreation survey (which I feel we could have done ourselves between the council, POST and staff with very limited consultant guidance, it would had covered this role for many years).

A Call to Action

Tiburon Together is more than just a program; it's a call to action and a vision for a future where every resident feels valued, every voice is heard, and every neighbor is a friend. As your representative, I am dedicated to leading this initiative with transparency, commitment, and a genuine love for our community.

We are incredibly fortunate to live in such a beautiful place—a charming, picturesque town surrounded by natural beauty and protected open spaces. 

Together, we can make Tiburon a place where everyone belongs, thrives, and enjoys life. Let’s unite in our shared commitment to building a brighter future for all. 

Join me in making Tiburon Together a reality!


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