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Key Issues impacting Tiburon

During my second and third terms in office, we had a collegial council and hosted many fun events on the peninsula bringing our neighbors together and fostering a sense of community. 

As a candidate for Tiburon council, I am excited to introduce Tiburon Together—a bold initiative aimed at uniting us in a shared commitment to support, uplift, and care for one another.

Tiburon Together is more than just a program; it's a call to action and a vision for a future where every resident feels valued, every voice is heard, and every neighbor is a friend. 
You can read more about this initiative at the link below:
I have strong views and perspectives on Tiburon's current key issues, which you can view below. Click on “read more”  under each summary.

Neighborhood Associations - Town Council Summits

Committed to re-establishing these Neighborhood Summits and revitalizing our neighborhood organizations.
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Tiburon Fiscal Management: A Commitment to Accountability and Efficiency

A commitment to a full and detailed review of all budgets to ensure funds are being used appropriately. With a particular focus on the use of external consultants. Read More

Parks and Recreation Master Plan

While I fully support the goal of creating a Parks and Recreation Master Plan for Tiburon and engaging the community through surveys, I believe there is a more cost-effective and locally driven approach to achieve this. Rather than hiring an external consulting firm, we could leverage the expertise of the town council, the POST committee, and talented residents to engage directly with the community. Drawing on my 30 years of leadership in Tiburon, I advocated for a more iterative strategy—starting with small-scale initiatives, experimenting, and gathering firsthand feedback to better understand and meet the needs of our community. Read More

Tiburon Boulevard Traffic

Traffic on Tiburon Boulevard has long been a challenge, but that doesn’t mean we can’t take effective action.
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Tiburon View Ordinance

Introduce missing language that provides a clear path for homeowners to avoid conflicts and litigation.

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Improving Broadband Access: Affordable, Quality Service for the Tiburon Peninsula

A commitment to obtaining competitive pricing and reliable broadband service for the Tiburon peninsula. Read More

Supporting Downtown Businesses

Let's make a commitment to support our downtown, keep our community thriving, and ensure our local businesses succeed.
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Committee to Elect Andrew Thompson
Treasurer Colin Crawford 
FPPC ID 1475262
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